Are you Drinking Clean Water?

August is National Water Quality Month, dedicated to making the most out of the small amount of fresh water available. This is because clean water is vital to our health, agriculture, and environment. 

What is the Purpose of National Water Quality Month?

Just try to imagine life without access to clean water. Think about everywhere we use water daily, fountains, pools, lakes and rivers, and long showers. Imagine a life without those amenities. 

National water quality month reminds us of the importance of water sources and not taking them for granted. Water sources are not just for humans but other species that inhabit our ecosystems like fish, animals, and plant life.  Healthy water is important for you and it is important for the planet. 

Hydration is Important for Good Health

Uncontaminated water that tastes good is a must for everyone’s health. A book we commonly recommend in our wellness center is “Your Body’s Many Cries For Water”. The author, Dr. Batmanghelidj, easily teaches you how to know when your body is calling for water. Chronic pains and diseases are intensified by dehydration. You might be empowered to discover you are not sick, just thirsty!

Anyone who reads this book becomes highly motivated to drink water. This is great! At Sojourn, we recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces every day. For example, if you weigh 140lbs, you need to drink 70 ounces of water over the course of your day. If you drink beverages that are caffeinated or alcohol, these are dehydrating, and you need to drink additional water. 

Are You Sure You are Drinking Clean Water?

Before getting started on healing through hydration,  are you confident in the quality of water you drink? There are many contaminants that  lead to serious health risks. Such as  heavy metals, plastics, disinfectant byproducts, pesticides, chlorine, gasoline additives, and pharmaceuticals. Yuck!           

Did you know that when people are on medications or recreational drugs, these enter our water supply through the septic system? Have you ever thought about how many people in the Bay Area are on antidepressants, medications, birth control or hormone replacement therapy of any kind - all of this is going into our water supply.  This news is gross - so let’s get right to the solution. 

You can become absolutely confident in your family’s water supply when you have the right filter. And it  does not have to cost you an arm and a leg. 

First, you should know there is a non-profit organization called NSF International. They are third party experts that test water filters to verify their effectiveness. NSF International does not receive financial kickbacks  for their recommendations. They award different certificates to filters. For example, (No 42) Aesthetic Effects. Most companies have this-it ensures the water looks good and tastes okay- this level is purely cosmetic. Next is (No 53) Health Effects. This is where most contaminants that can hurt you are pulled out. The third (No 401) Emerging Compounds. This is where medications and herbicides are filtered. 

You can look up your current household filter in their public database to see if you are satisfied.  Some companies tout their products as “tested according to NSF Standards” or “meets NSF testing requirements”. Unless they are “NSF Certified,” these claims are no guarantee of quality.  

You may be interested to know that at  Sojourn Wellness Center we  recommend Multipure Filters. The Multipure water we provide  at Sojourn Wellness Center is certified by NSF in all three categories. Multipure filters come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit your budget and household, whether you rent or own. We feel great about drinking the water, and serving it at our wellness center, and recommending these filters to you. 

Ready for clean water at a great price? Call Multipure at 1800-622-9206  and let them know we sent you!  Distributor Number 430291

Headaches and Migraines associated with Dehydration

Drinking enough water daily and staying hydrated is crucial for so many reasons! Drinking water regulates your body's temperature, keeps joints lubricated, delivers nutrients to cells, prevents infections, and keeps organs functioning at their best.

Being well-hydrated can improve your sleep quality, cognition, and mood.  

Think about detoxing. We detox through exhaling and inhaling when we breathe. There's moisture there, through our sweat, urination, digestion, and even when we cry. So when our body is doing that, that's normal. A backup in the detoxification system can result in headaches or discomfort. Your body gives you the signal and the memo that things are getting tight when you start getting adjusted or entrained. What happens is that neuro patterning that was holding on tightly through all of the body's tissues starts to unwind as it develops new liquid and blood.

All of that is creating new nutrients for the cells, which means it's also ridding your body of whatever byproducts of toxins are in the cells. If we don't have enough water, this can result in not feeling well or even creating symptoms like headaches and migraines. 

So when you have a symptom like a headache, it's crucial to respond appropriately. Your body is giving you a signal. The number one thing you can do is get your body clean water. It needs more help to be able to re-educate and then reprogram and allowing the cells to get hydrated.


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