• “Our whole family works better together since we started Network care. What I notice the most is that Dad has been a lot calmer. After long days of work he used to be tired and grumpy, but now he is not like that at all. He is himself. It is so nice. With Mom, what I notice is pretty much the exact same thing. I find it’s a lot nicer too. “

    — Cami. 11y.o.

  • “I had pretty much eliminated all the things I love from life because of the constant pain in my hips and low back. My cousin loves Network so I decided to give it a try. I was intrigued because Dr. Kirsten’s practice takes into consideration the whole self, not just the pain. She really knows what she’s doing and she strives to perfect it every day. She always listens. After my first entrainment I could tell my body was working. I got such a feeling of well-being when I was on the table. The pain softened and didn’t feel as overwhelming. Now I can do yard work and yoga without my hips hurting. I’m getting back to doing all those things I had previously given up. When I do the spinal breathing, it’s like a meditation. I’m learning to heal myself.”

    — S.D.

  • "I've been thinking about it, and I'd say that since being in Network Care I've been more in touch with my emotions. I've always thought I was an empathetic person, but I am so much more empathetic now. I’m listening to people differently."

    — Marian

  • “About a month into care I noticed that I was sleeping better. Now, I have been coming in for a little over 4 months and I definitely do feel like a different person. I feel more at ease and comfortable with myself. Before I had a sense of urgency hanging over me. I don’t feel that anymore. I feel more confident in myself and I can’t say that is anything I expected. People I’m close to have noticed it too.”

    — Judy H

  • “When I came into the office for my exam and consultation I felt understood. It was as if Dr. Kirsten got me right away even though she didn’t know me. I felt I could trust her to lead me through things I didn’t understand. This was important because there are things about this work that are beyond explanation.”

    — Summer

  • “I am able to be more of who I am instead of just responding to the stressors in my environment without awareness. “

    — Rob

  • “GI pain was why I first started Network Care-but now it has nothing to do with why I come back! My GI pain turned out to be a gift and a teacher. There is such a door opening to potential that I didn’t even know I had. The excitement of this journey to find myself and BE myself is beyond words. It’s just huge!! I always protected my heart in the past. I wasn’t going to trust this world or the people in it. Now I am excited about feeling my heart. What goes on at Sojourn Wellness Center is such a great process, and it is nice that it is a process. Each level is a whole new experience-I just love it. It is amazing that I am 62 and I am letting go of this armored and controlled body. That I now have a whole new perception of life is beyond exciting for me. What a gift!!”

    — Cathy H.

  • “I had a knot in the back of my neck for months. My sister had been suggesting I see Dr. Kirsten (but I never made an appointment). Then I started experiencing a sharp pain under my shoulder blade that had me in tears. I finally decided I needed to get some care. At first I was skeptical, but Dr. Kirsten told me the same things about my body that my other doctors needed x-rays to discover. It may seem impossible, but I felt better right after my first entrainment-and the lump in my neck disappeared within six months of seeing her. I still get adjusted every week. I know that once a week I have a place to go to release negative energy. I feel like a part of the family when I go to see her. She’s a sweet spirit; easy to talk to, yet still professional. I always know she is going to help me be my best. Her adjustments are so gentle; I wasn’t expecting such huge results from such gentle touches.”

    — S. R.

  • “I was diagnosed in the 4th grade with severe scoliosis. They wanted me to wear a back brace for 4 years, 23hrs a day. I hated that thing!! When I was only 26years old there was suddenly a deep pinching like a knife in my back. The things I did just to get up and take care of my kids was beyond most people’s imaginations. I kept thinking, “I can’t go on like this.” An acquaintance noticed I was walking strange and she asked me what was wrong. I told her scoliosis and she said, “I have a friend that you need to see.” I liked being at Sojourn Wellness Center and I liked my first entrainment but I needed a strong sign that this was worth the money. The day after I saw Dr. K my family worked in the yard cutting down 3 trees. Typically this would have me flat on my back. This time I was okay! My mom and my husband noticed too. This was the sign I needed. I was scared I wouldn’t be able to afford it but Sojourn has different payment plans and one worked for me. After about 2 months I noticed that I can stand up straighter and I am not so crooked when I look in the mirror. My pain is not as intense and goes away more easily when I get flared up. In this last week I had no pain at all!”

    — Serena

  • “Now I have so much more confidence. I know that if I start to hurt I can do something about it myself. The things Dr. K has said to me about the process have been really, really helpful. I didn’t expect that being entrained would have such a positive effect on my self-confidence. I am pursuing new people and new things and I don’t feel scared anymore. I’m taking steps towards a new career as a Real Estate Agent instead of worrying about back pain all day. I just feel endless possibilities. Discover Care helped me learn about my back and Transform Care is helping me get into a whole new life.”

    — Serena

  • “I did not come into Sojourn Wellness Center looking to address my emotional life-I came in because shoulder pain was affecting my athletic performance. But, I can say that the emotional benefits have equally matched the physical. I am much more at ease being me. I find myself appreciating everything I have, and instead of just saying that, I really feel it and mean it. Oh- and my shoulder pain is gone too!“

    — C.W.

  • “When my daughter Faith was two years old, she was very pigeon-toed. She was tripping a lot and it was affecting her ability to walk. I was seeing Dr. Kirsten for chiropractic, so my mother suggested I take Faith to see her as well. I didn’t know if Dr. K would see a child as young as Faith. She said, “YES”. Well, it was love at first sight for the two of them. They bonded right away. Dr. Kirsten was incredible with Faith and Faith adored her. The first time Dr. Kirsten held her she touched a knot on Faith’s spine and it melted away. I was sold that minute. Now Faith walks and runs without falling. You can see the progress in her feet and legs; it’s really changed her little body. My advice to anyone thinking about getting his or her child Network Care is to make the commitment. It won’t happen overnight, but Dr. K is just an amazing lady and her results prove it.“

    — Faith’s Mom